Monday, February 20, 2012

"And the green flags out!"

“Let us run with patience the particular race that God has set before us.” Heb. 12:1 (LB)

“Love does not envy.” 1 Cor. 13:4b (NIV)

Growing up, Sunday afternoon Nascar racing was a tradition at my house. We would order Pizza King and gather around the TV to watch 42 cars go 500 miles, usually on an oval track. If you watch racing at all you know there is a particular groove on the race track that each car works the best in. If you were a Harry Gant fan in the 80's you knew he was going to run his car next to the wall all 500 miles. If you were a Rusty Wallace fan you would most likely see his car go the fastest on the bottom of the track.

Usually at the end of the race you would always see a few car switching lanes and trying to gt up to the front faster. Almost always, those cars would fall back because they weren't being patient running their car in the line where it worked best. They would get the idea to run a different line by looking at what other cars had been doing all day. They thought well if their car works good up high, then maybe mine will too.

We do this so often as followers of Christ. Have you ever looked at another person and said, "I wish I had what they had?" Or have you ever just wanted to be someone else because you liked their lifestyle better. God created each of us as unique individuals with a particular race to run. It may not seem like a glamorous race at times, but its a race uniquely designed for me. A God given race designed for me before I was born.

I encourage you this week to run the particular race the Lord has for you. Keep your eyes on the prize. We will all see the same finish line if we love God and love people.

Those races I grew up watching...I was always waiting for the guy who envied another guys car and switched grooves on the track because I knew what was coming...CRASH!

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